Global Search - The search string is compared to each subject retrieved from the news server. If it matches, the complete article will be downloaded unless one of the filters are matched. See Search Strings for further information.
Global Filter - The filter string is compared to each subject retrieved from the news server. If it matches, the article is not downloaded. If there
is no match, the header is compared to the header filter. See Search Strings for further information.
Filename Filter - The filename filter is compared to each subject and also to the final decoded filename. If it matches the subject, the article is not downloaded. If it matches the final decoded filename, the file is discarded. Use this to avoid dangerous files such as those with an .exe extension.
Use the check boxes to enable/disable any type of search string.
Apply search/filters during subject download - Lowers memory requirements by eliminating unwanted subjects immediately rather than caching the entire list in memory.
Never - Keep all subjects in memory. This enables you to search repeatedly without refreshing.
Always - Always filter subjects immediately. With this option enabled, you will have to refresh the subject list to expand your search beyond the current results.
If more than - Automatically apply search/filters immediately only when retrieving a large number of subjects. Cache all subjects only when refreshing a small number of subjects.