Forums / Support / Bypass Recycle Bin while deleting cache files

Bypass Recycle Bin while deleting cache files

not sure if i'm the only one with this problem but I've set my BB to delete old cache files which with the new file structure produces 100,000s of small files. These are deleted into recycle bin every time i close the program. This process lasts until entire OS comes to a grinding halt. Meanwhile in task manager BB is the highest I/O process.

I'm wondering if those old cache files can simply be deleted from disk. no need to place them into recycle bin first?


BinaryBoy's reply to pgb205 #17032 @

Ok. I'll look into this.

BinaryBoy's reply to BinaryBoy #17033 @

Just wanted to let you know I'm still looking into this. It will be changed to delete and also will delete just a few files every 15 minutes or so on a timer instead of doing them all at close. Will post here when a new build is ready.

BinaryBoy's reply to BinaryBoy #17034 @

On the Privacy tab, you can select the method to delete cache files. The default is to delete. Do you have it set to Delete?

BinaryBoy's reply to BinaryBoy #17036 @

New build:

•Cache cleanup is limited to a few files at a time on a timer instead of deleting at program close.