Forums / Support / Rename new file - overwrites existing files

Rename new file - overwrites existing files

I don't know since when, but it seems BB now overwrites existing files (attachments) even when I check Settings/Files/Rename New File.

I guess it has something to do with the fact, that I let BB download from a nzb.
I inserted the nzb in my queue with _load nzb & force download_.
But since inside the nzb are multiple versions with the same filename my attachments get overwritten all the time. So I guess BB does not rename the never files any more. It just replaces them again and again.

How to reactivate the rename feature?

My System:
BB 1.97 b116 Win7Pro 64bit 32GB Ram, multiple SSD and HDD.

BinaryBoy's reply to Shinji #16948 @

Does this mostly happen with files Binary Boy has extracted from rar files? Are you using any of the right-click "Force Download" commands?

Shinji's reply to BinaryBoy #16949 @

Does this mostly happen with files Binary Boy has extracted from rar files?

bb does not par or un-rar files on my system.

Are you using any of the right-click "Force Download" commands?

Yes. 'I inserted the nzb in my queue with _load nzb & force download_.'
I get this option with the right-click.

Long description:
If I missed some postings I use a nzb from an usenet Searchmachine.
I enter the queue, right-click _load nzb & force download_.
Then BB downloads the postings, extracts the parts in one folder.
when all parts are complete it creates the attachment and deletes the parts.

But sometimes the nzb lets bb download same names files with different content.
And here it is very disturbing, that bb overwrites the existing attchment-file with an other file (but the same name).

BinaryBoy's reply to Shinji #16950 @

Yes. 'I inserted the nzb in my queue with _load nzb & force download_.'

There's the cause. Force Download overwrites existing files. This is by design. The Force Download commands are for when you want a file to download even if it's blocked by other settings.

Shinji's reply to BinaryBoy #16957 @

Hm... I use _...force download_ because some times I had already parts of the file and when I download them with the nzb, then bb uses its history to filter some of the postings I really want.

I would never have guesed, that 'force download' deactivates the overwrite option.
Is there no way to force bb to download an keep the stuff from an nzb, even if in the nzb there are different files with the same filename?

BinaryBoy's reply to Shinji #16958 @

On the History window under the File menu, could you disable the Filename option and enabled the message-id option? That will allow the same filenames while skipping the articles that have been downloaded.

Shinji's reply to BinaryBoy #16959 @


History with Message-ID does not help.

I guess I have to go further into detail.
Normally I let BB run 24/7. Every newsgroup gets its own directory in the Parts- and in the Attachment-Folder, because I don't want to mix Music with videos, with pictures ... and so on.
Some time in the week, I check for incomplete attachments (multiple RAR where one or two are missing because to many parts were not downloaded and not enough PAR do exist).
Then I use NG-searchmachines to create the NZB and want to download the complete Batch with BB and let Quickpar try what it can do. Here the History (without _forced download_) would eliminate some of the wanted postings.
Since the NZB downloads with BB get not saved in the same NG-directory-structure like normal queue-downloads BB can't find all the existing parts in the different directories and I end up with more parts and not complete attachments.
With History: BB would filter the existing history files/-ID and not download all of the parts I want (everything the Server has to offer).
Without History and without forced download : I could get all the Parts I want, but if BB goes on with its 24/7 job (after retrieving the Files from the NZB) I would need the history again because I want to minimize the double-download.

By the way: Since the Packed attachments are very different (some need passwords, some have a complicated Directory-structure and some have no directory inside, I can't use the BB integrated UnRAR and PAR, because in the End, BB would mix those all together. So I start extern programms manually.

BinaryBoy's reply to Shinji #16960 @

If there was an option on the Files tab in the Settings to obey the overwrite settings even when forcing, would that help?

chal3oye's reply to BinaryBoy #17152 @

I had already parts of the file and when I download them with the nzb, then bb uses its history to filter some of the postings I really want.


BinaryBoy's reply to chal3oye #17153 @

Normally it shouldn't be a problem to mix parts from NZB and manual downloading. Did you previously use Dr. Binary to decode the incomplete file? If so, you should delete the resulting file or enable Overwrite on the Files tab in the Settings. You can also uncheck the two "Remember" options in File | History.

Indidoidott's reply to BinaryBoy #17156 @

It completely agree with told all above. е

Jessica's reply to Indidoidott #17510 @

You can redeem the key on any account that hasn't already purchased the Basic Edition including existing accounts.

Anivefrinee's reply to Shinji #17155 @

I hope, you will come to the correct decision. а