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blank search

Hi, can any one out there help please? i am a first timer to this, only just joined up, i am really embarressed to ask this silly question, i am connected to a server, i have followed the tutorial, entered criteria in search box, chose group list and no matches show why? check the refresh groups tab " connected. download all newsgroups 0 " can anyone help me out, what am i doing wrong?:confused:

BinaryBoy's reply to kencity62 #15403 @

It sounds like you're doing everything right. Which server are you using? Some providers don't carry binary newsgroups, especially if it's a free service from your ISP.

What happes when you click the Newsgroups button on the toolbar. Does it show the newsgroups downloading?

kencity62's reply to BinaryBoy #15404 @

Thanks for replying, i am using server, the newsgroup tab on toolbar says " connected to giganews ( 216,196,109,131 )

BinaryBoy's reply to kencity62 #15405 @

Click the Settings button on the toolbar. On the Server tab, is the SSL option checked? If so, change the port to 563 to use encryption. If you don't want to use encryption, uncheck it and use port 119.

kencity62's reply to BinaryBoy #15406 @

Thanks for that works fine now on563:D

BinaryBoy's reply to kencity62 #15407 @

Great. Happy downloading!

kencity62's reply to BinaryBoy #15408 @

Hi, i have just noticed it is still downloading headers, is this correct?

BinaryBoy's reply to kencity62 #15409 @

Some newsgroups are very large. I suggest you set the Starting Point to Last 10000 and then increase from there so you can download headers in a reasonable time.

kencity62's reply to BinaryBoy #15410 @

Thanks for that admin, i have requested 10000 headers, but no results show, can you advise please?

kencity62's reply to BinaryBoy #15411 @

ignore that last thread admin, i have sussed it CHEERS