Forums / Support / Reduce Size of Cached Headers

Reduce Size of Cached Headers

I set my BB to cache the headers on the disk. However due to number of newsgroups I'm almost out of space. One solution is to reduce number of days stored. Another option is to 'not download extended headers'. I'm not sure what this setting does exactly, or how it will affect by subsequent searches. Will BB have to re-download part of the headers, or will i loose some search functionality.


BinaryBoy's reply to pgb205 #15361 @

For very large newsgroups, I'd recommend using the Search NZB button to avoid downloading the headers altogether. If you disable extended headers, you can only search on the subject and have no other filtering options. You could also miss out on some functionality in future versions.

pgb205's reply to BinaryBoy #15362 @

How much space percentage-wise do you expect me to be able to save if i disable extended headers?

I'm not familiar with nzb's. But I understand that I have to find and download nzb file first.
Would all items posted to newsgroups have those files?

BinaryBoy's reply to pgb205 #15363 @

The most dramatic savings would be in newsgroups that contain large files because each header is compressed pretty well and the message-id takes up a larger percentage of each one so you could expect maybe 30% savings. In smaller groups, there's not as much compression so you might only see 10-20%. These are very rough estimates based on a quick look at the cache files.

NZB sites scan the newsgroups and create an index. Whether they index every file or not depends on the site. Generally they'll have nearly all files in most file groups. Once you search a site and choose your files, it will generate the NZB file. Binary Boy can load this file and download from there. You can double-click the NZB file, open it from the web or right-click the queue and load there.