Forums / General / Binary Boy folder in My Documents

Binary Boy folder in My Documents

Hello, been a while since I posted here. And a while since I used Binary Boy.

After installing it, I notice I get a Binary Boy folder, in my My Documents folder. If I try to move the folder to a more hidden location, as soon as I start the program, the folder re-appears.

Is this standard or is there a way to tell Binary Boy to never create a folder in any location except the places I specify?


BinaryBoy's reply to wilburn #9496 @

All folder locations can be reassigned but some can only be changed in the registry.

Close Binary Boy

Run regedit.exe

Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Hochsw\BinaryBoy\1.00

The names of the values you want to change all end with either "Folder" or "Dir". On the right side, you'll see the values that begin with "$(MyDocuments)". Those are the ones creating the Binary Boy folder in your Documents folder. You can change those to the path you want.

wilburn's reply to BinaryBoy #9497 @


is there no other way to change this behavior, than to edit the registry?

It seems odd that a program that includes such nifty stealth and cloaking power, would end up leaving a big hanging folder named Binary Boy, right inside the My Documents folder.

Did i do something wrong when i installed the program? or is that the default behavior?

BinaryBoy's reply to wilburn #9498 @

That's the default now for some folders. Vista doesn't want stuff in the Program Files folder and people have a hard time finding stuff in the AppData folders.

You can change the Attachments and Parts folders from the Files tab in the Settings. The others must be changed from the registry.