Forums / Support / Server problems ?

Server problems ?


Has there been a problem with the servers tonight? Since yesterday, binaries are heavily incomplete (such as alt.binaries.multimedia.horror). I tried the different servers (nyc, ams) but the problem is the same.
Do you know what happend?

Thank you,

BinaryBoy's reply to zeb #1672 @

I just checked the Last 100,000 headers from alt.binaries.multimedia.horror on and got 100% completion.

If you're using the Binary Boy newsreader, try unchecking all the options on the Header Filter tab in the Settings. In case your cache got corrupted, you can delete the cache files from the File | Master Reset window.

zeb's reply to BinaryBoy #1673 @

Thanks for your answer.
Actually I am under Linux, using Pan as my Newsreader client. Anyway, you were right, it was a cache problem in my client (which was, for some reason, triggered when I reached my quota yesterday afternoon). I removed the cache, downloaded the headers again and posts seem complete.
Thanks a lot!

BinaryBoy's reply to zeb #1674 @

No problem. Happy downloading!