Forums / Support / Upgrade file part names....

Upgrade file part names....

Hello - could someone please tell me what BB does when one clicks on file/upgrade part file names....
the BB screen goes gray on me , and I am not sure what it is supposed to be doing or accomplishing.
Thank you - herbielind

BinaryBoy's reply to herbielind #53 @

Originally posted by herbielind
Hello - could someone please tell me what BB does when one clicks on file/upgrade part file names....
the BB screen goes gray on me , and I am not sure what it is supposed to be doing or accomplishing.
Thank you - herbielind

It adds leading zeroes to the part number in BBT filenames to make them sortable when viewing a folder. If you have thousands of .BBT files, this could take a while. You only need to do this if you have older 1.90 BBT files that you want to use with a newer version.

Old format:

filename.10.10.BBT (Without leading zeroes, 10 is less than 8)

New format:

filename.08.10.BBT (Easier to see missing parts)