Forums / General / Getting BB to Actually Rename Files

Getting BB to Actually Rename Files

hi! please help me with a problem.

i'm very pleased with BB Pro, no problems save one:

if there's a file 14.jpg in my download folder, i expect BB to rename a new one coming in as 14(1).jpg, but it isn't doing that now. it's saying File "14.jpg" found in history by decoder. Discarding.

BB USED to rename the new file like i said, but not now, and i haven't to my knowledge changed anything.

help! TIA

BinaryBoy's reply to gallant205 #535 @

This history overrides the the rename option. You can disable the history under the File menu. You might want to disable the filename history and enable the message-id history. That way you will avoid downloading the same article twice while allowing duplicate names.

gallant205's reply to gallant205 #536 @

thank you very much!