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Low Memory message

I've downloaded all the articles from a large newsgroup (20 million+). When BB scans the articles I get a "Low Memory. Stopping subject load." error. My virtual memory is set to system manage on two separate partitions totaling 3,994MB. During the scan, virtual memory starts at 291MB and climbs to 902MB and stops. That's when I get the message. I have 1GB of physical memory, and tons of disk space available. Initally I thought I had a swap file problem with XP Pro. If I load up Wordpad with a large BB cache file, my virtual memory climbs to just under 1700MB, so that doesn't appear to be the problem. I've tried tinkering with Search Strings/Apply filter settings between Always and Never. In Always, using a search string of '*' gives the same result as using Never. Any ideas? It appears BB does not want to get into vitual memory.
I'm running BB 1.96 Build 557.

BinaryBoy's reply to ahartley #2758 @

The option you're using applies only to refreshes from the server. It prevents BB from holding non-matching subjects in memory. Loads from the cache automatically discard non-matching subjects.

I'll add an option to disable the low memory check and see if that resolves the problem.

BinaryBoy's reply to BinaryBoy #2761 @

You can now disable the low memory check from the Search Strings tab in the Settings.

ahartley's reply to BinaryBoy #2762 @

I installed the beta, found the new option disabling the memory check and tried it out. I got the following error when I hit approximately 2,072MB:
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library

Runtime Error!

Program: C:\Program Files\Binary Boy\BinBoy.exe

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
I tried changing the virtual memory from system managed to manual and increasing the swap file size on both partitions to 4000MB each. It had no effect on the error, the error occurring at the same point.

BinaryBoy's reply to ahartley #2766 @

I don't think there's anything more I can do. That error confirms that BB is allocating memory right up to the point where it runs out.