Forums / General / bbnet connection errors and stuff

bbnet connection errors and stuff

first of all, i cant use bbnet at all it seems. whenver i click it, it says "connected ....IP....... remote closed"

sometimes it says "error 10053".

how do i find out what that error (and any futher other error numbers) mean, and why cant i connect with anyone?

BinaryBoy's reply to TooCrooked #408 @

10053 means "An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine." If you email me, I can send you a little app that displays the text for error numbers.

Unfortunately BBNet hasn't been working very well. Not a lot of people use it and those that do often have a firewall enabled, which causes the connection to fail. What you're seeing is Binary Boy attempting and failing to connect to others who recently tried to connect.

If you want to know if it connected to any others, wait a minute or so and enter a search for * (a single asterisk). If you don't get any results back, it still isn't connected.