Forums / Support / 1.97 Build 33 & 34 can't connect - Build 32 fine

1.97 Build 33 & 34 can't connect - Build 32 fine


Windows 7 64Bit, with Giganews Accelerator installed. Build 32 connects and downloads fine. Here's the error when I try to download the newsgroup list: Server closed the connection.

Giganews Accelerator shows this in the log:

12/7/2010 9:50 AM: (11) Server connection starting up
12/7/2010 9:50 AM: (11) Server connection established to 1127-13259
12/7/2010 9:50 AM: (11) Client processing error: Server ended connection: .
12/7/2010 9:50 AM: (11) Closing server connection 1127-13259

BinaryBoy's reply to Monstercastle #15396 @

Thanks for the info. I'll look into it.

BinaryBoy's reply to BinaryBoy #15397 @

The accelerator closes the connection when Binary Boy tries to list the capabilities available on the server, probably to avoid conflicting with the accelerator features. Since (build 34) Binary Boy supports compression and SSL already, you could connect to the news server directly instead of through localhost. If you do this, set the port to 563 and check the SSL box. I'll add an option to the settings to disable the capabilities command.

Monstercastle's reply to BinaryBoy #15398 @

Done. Works just fine. One less thing to run in the tray. Is the BB compression comparable to the accelerator?

BinaryBoy's reply to Monstercastle #15399 @

The level of compression is decided by the server so it should be the same on the client side.